Here are some examples of printable savings challenges that you can try:
52-Week Money Challenge: Each week save the corresponding number for that week. Example: Week 1 (first week in January), save $1, next week, save $2, the following week you will save $3 and so on until the last week of the year which is week 52, finally saving weekly amount is $52. By the end of 52 weeks, you’ll have a nice sum saved up $1,378.
30-Day No Spend Challenge: For 30 days, spend money only on necessities. This helps you save quickly and reassess your spending habits.
Cash Envelope System: Allocate cash to different envelopes for each budget category. Once an envelope is empty, you can’t spend any more from that category until the next budget period.
100 Envelope Challenge: Number 100 envelopes from $1 to $100. Each day, pick an envelope at random and save the amount written on it. This adds a fun element of surprise to your saving.
Biweekly Money Saving Challenge: Save a set amount every two weeks. This works well if you’re paid biweekly and can set aside money on payday.
Savings Goal Challenges: Set a target amount, like $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000, and break it down into manageable parts to save over time. You can also set smaller amounts such as $50, $100, $250 and maintain a lower income savings budget.
The Penny Challenge: Save one penny on the first day, two pennies on the second day, and so on. It’s a small start, but it adds up over the year which you will save$667.95 - pretty impressive for loose coins!
Necessities Only for 30 Days: Similar to the no-spend challenge, focus on spending only on essentials for a month to save money.
30 Day Challenge: Save any amount you can for 30 days
Spare Change Challenge: Save all the spare change you receive. It’s surprising how quickly loose coins can accumulate into a significant amount.
These challenges can be tailored to fit your financial situation and goals. They’re designed to make saving money a more engaging and enjoyable experience. You can find free printables for these challenges online to help you track your progress and stay motivated.
Happy saving! 🎉
Shop a variety of Printable Savings Challenges at www.savingschallengeprintables.com